Are you a secret society ?
Defiantly Not! There are no rituals that involve rolling up trouser legs nor any "funny" handshakes.
Is it formal?
There are 4 business meetings each year when the running of the organisation is discussed, sometimes it will feel more like work than a night down the pub (Although there is normally beer involved and always a good amount of banter). At these business meetings it is custom to wear a smart shirt and tie. We occasionally have 'black tie' evenings, however most meetings are casual and informal.
How much does it cost?
We pay £30 per month, this covers all of our activities and our Round Table membership.
Isn't it all a bit old fashioned?
Nah. As long as blokes drink and have a laugh we will always be in fashion. The organisation keeps evolving and reinventing itself, although the fundamentals remain the same which are trying new experiences that you wouldn’t otherwise have tried, with friends you wouldn’t have otherwise met.
Is Round Table time-consuming?
we meet up twice a month (normally on a Tuesday night). It is entirely down to you how much you put in and, like everything in life, the more you enjoy it the more you want to do. What you will get is a couple hours every few weeks when the rest of the world doesn't matter. It is worth remembering we all have jobs to go to and family time so we know the situation.
Isn't it only for middle-aged, middle-class businessmen?
No, definitely not. We are men aged between 18 and 45, from all sorts of occupations, social groups, and different backgrounds. This is what makes Round Table unique..